Day 2, with Michelle & Rosie and a great weather forecast. Thinking that the ridge may be busy, we planned an early start, we arrived below the In Pinn just after 10am to find we had the ridge to ourselves. After some photo taking we geared up and made our way down to the start of the climb. 40 minutes later we all stood on top of the In Pinn, big grins, the trickiest Munro in Scotland.

From the In Pinn, we then made the tricky descent down into Coire Laggan and then traversed to a bealach before continuing along the ridge to summit Sgurr Mhic Choinnich, our 2nd Munro of the day. The section is longer than it looks! We then reversed back to the bealach before scree running down and into the coire, more amazing photos and then a return to the cars. Well done Michelle and Rosie :-), great effort!
